--- to_phrase: <!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> Subscriber from_phrase: <!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> Owner subject: <!-- tmpl_var subscriber.email --> not allowed to post on, <!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> --- List: <!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_name --> (<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.discussion_pop_email -->) From: <!-- tmpl_var subscriber.email --> Subject: <!-- tmpl_var original_subject --> Your message was received, but was not sent out to this mailing list. <!-- tmpl_if list_settings.group_list --> <!-- tmpl_else --> This mailing list is an announce-only mailing list, and messages are only accepted from either the List Owner or specific Authorized Senders. Subscribers may not post to this mailing list. <!-- /tmpl_if --> <!-- tmpl_if is_a_subscriber --> Your email address (<!-- tmpl_var subscriber.email -->) is currently subscribed to this mailing list. <!-- tmpl_else --> Your email address is not currently subscribed to this mailing list. <!-- /tmpl_if --> Please see: <!-- tmpl_var PROGRAM_URL -->/list/<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list --> for more information. You may email the List Owner at: mailto:<!-- tmpl_var list_settings.list_owner_email -->